Independence, MO — Today, Lucas Kunce issued the following statement in response to the effort to enshrine abortion rights through a constitutional amendment on the 2024 ballot:
“In Missouri, we’re all too familiar with Big Brother politicians trying to control us. That’s why real people in this state have banded together to take back power for themselves at the ballot — in recent elections, Missourians have raised the minimum wage, legalized weed, expanded Medicaid, and repealed an anti-union ‘Right-to-Work’ law. Now in Josh Hawley’s first election since leading the charge to overturn Roe, making Missouri the first state in the nation to enact an extreme no-exception abortion ban, and exposing a Hawley family business focused on banning abortion nationwide, he’s going to see what voters think about Big Brother politicians. In 2024, we’re going to end Missouri’s extreme abortion ban and we’re going to hold Josh Hawley accountable for making it happen.”