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Business Insider: Josh Hawley’s Self-Help Book Brought Him Six Figures In 2023 Through Outside Income Loophole

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Notably, Hawley hasn’t brought a cent back to Missouri in six years.

Independence, MO — Today, Business Insider released a report that Josh Hawley is among eight other U.S. Senators who cashed in more than $100,000 from book royalties in 2023, per financial disclosures. That brings his total earned from book deals while in office to well over half a million dollars. 

While Hawley is sitting on a pile of cash, Missourians are left behind. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the average individual income in Missouri is $29,649. Let’s also recall: Missouri taxpayers paid more than $250,000 for Josh Hawley’s open records violations, and Missourians lost hundreds of millions in federal investments thanks to his refusal to direct federal tax dollars back to our communities.

“Josh Hawley broke the law to help his campaign, and then he made us taxpayers cover the $250,000 bill. After spending six years refusing to bring a dollar back for Missouri, the least he can do is reimburse us for the costs of his own lawbreaking — these book deals prove he’ll still be plenty rich after,” Kunce said.  

“While Josh has kept himself busy in the Senate writing books about his ideal men, he’s neglected his actual job: Investing in Missouri. Working families in our state deserve a U.S. Senator who serves them, not just himself.”  

In 2021, Hawley disclosed that he received $467,000 in royalties from his publisher, Regnery Publishing, nearly tripling his congressional salary. Book royalties and advances are one of the few loopholes that allow members of Congress to earn a profit outside of their $174,000 taxpayer-financed salaries. If elected, Lucas has committed to closing said loopholes and preventing members from taking any income outside of their federal salary.